Friday, January 10, 2014

Record Fact: US Solar Industry Installs 1,400 Megawatts In 4th Quarter!

The sun has never shined more strongly on the US solar industry. It has set records for capacity installed in a year and in a quarter--4,200 and 1,400 megawatts respectively!

These are stunning numbers. They mean the solar industry already is each year generating an additional amount of electricity equal to a new nuclear plant. They mean that the solar industry is employing ever more people. Indeed, the solar industry already employs considerably more people than there are coal miners in America. That is an extraordinary transformation.

But the good news for solar power in America is just getting started. This year will bring new records.


  1. We have a willing work force and we need the jobs! We have enough sun in our region to support solar power. Put them together and it's a win-win for everyone, and John Hanger is the candidate that can do it! His experience with the PUC will be invaluable, combined with his dedication to the environment and conservation is a perfect balance!

  2. I got my first solar job in the 4th quarter, part of a 10MW installation in a mid-western state. The one concern I have is career progression. These install jobs start at $14 an hour, and both of the solar contractors I have worked for are from out of state.

    How many more utility-scale solar farms are really going to go into the midwest?

    1. Congratulations on your job in the solar industry. I do think the fastest growth in solar will be in distributed solar. But the prices of utility scale solar is now down to about $1.55/watt. That will mean more utility scale projects around the country. Your state's renewable energy policy will make a difference in the number of utility scale solar projects.
