Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Stunning Fact: China To Install 12,000 Megawatts Of Solar In 2014, Increasing Global Solar Tsunami!

China intends to install more solar during 2014 than is now operating in America. The projected solar Chinese solar installation is now 12,000 megawatts next year, with 8,000 megawatts on roofs.

Twelve thousand megawatts of solar will produce about as much power as 3 medium sized nuclear plants. These numbers are simply astonishing!

The linked to story projects global solar demand to reach 45,000 to 55,000 megawatts next year, the equivalent of 11 to 14 nuclear plants, and up from about 35,000 megawatts in 2013.  With solar booming in China, Japan, India, 25,000 megawatts of solar could be built in Asia during 2014!

Solar is booming this year and will have a mega-boom in 2014. And then comes 2015! The enormous size of the solar tsunami coming to energy markets is just becoming visible and is big enough to transform global energy markets.


  1. I've been reading up on your run for governer and will say I've been impressed with your views so far. However one of the issues that concerns me is the apparent growth of a sort of mass media environmentalism movement that has been growing in our area. While I didn't have a problem with the message of gasland or anything like that, as an engineering student I was disappointed with the lack of studies and statistical evidence available with these stories. Is there any way you (or a fellow commenter) could make some of the more dry reading (LCA studies, statistical evidence, legal requirements slightly explained and those sort of things) more readily available and easier for PA residents to find? Or possibly even just a few links on those sorts of things? I realize you're not basing your opinions on a documentary, but I feel like all I can find while researching fracking in Pennsylvania are arguments in comment sections. I'm more interested in pieces created by people trying to expose facts than pieces from either side with obvious agendas. These are pretty irrelevent in my attempt to form an opinion of my own on these topics.

    1. Thank you for the comment. And I am glad that you are interested in energy and are seeking good data and information. As a general rule I do link to data in every post and often the data is a primary resource. I would recommend that you regularly visit the Energy Information Administration website, as one great resource.
